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Tag: gdb

Leveraging glibc in exploitation - Part 2: Fingerprinting glibc

In part one of this series, we examined the GNU C library and its relationship with a program and the operating system. We also reviewed tools and methods for figuring out important details such as glibc’s version and where it is loaded in a program’s memory at runtime. In this part, we will look at what is involved in locating glibc in memory by leveraging a program’s memory layout, and identifying glibc’s version based on code loaded in memory.

Leveraging glibc in exploitation - Part 1: What is glibc?

The GNU C Library (glibc) is an open-source implementation of the C standard library that is primarily found on Linux-based operating systems. It provides a powerful set of APIs that simplify interacting with operating systems, as well as functions and code for creating programs. From a hacker’s perspective, this functionality can be repurposed to extend an exploit’s capabilities and viability. In this series, we will explore leveraging glibc to exploit a vulnerable program on a x86 64-bit CPU.